
The karatasi preference settings are located in a folder of the system settings like other application settings on the iPhone.

db edit view screen
Protocol The synchronization protocol between the iPhone and the server.
karatasi Java: the new Java desktop application, see
Deprecated! Web Server (CGI): the legacy synchronization setup with three CGI scripts for an Apache web server.
Host Name or IP address of the computer with the server application for database transmission. For communication outside the local network Apple requires https encryption.
Port IP port of the server application for database transmission. The default port is 7779.
Device Name Name of the device on the server application.
Password Password for the device on the server application.
If you are using the Java application, you have to configure IP port, device name and password in accordeance with the settings for network and authorized device at the server.
User Interface
Rotation Configurable behaviour of the screen on rotation: Show help texts or rotate the screens.
Left Function Configurable function for the left side of the card lists. Select between: None, Commit, Add to Drill.
Right Function Configurable function for the right side of the card lists. Select between: None, Commit, Add to Drill, Index.
Flip Duration Duration of the flip animation in the test and drill procedure. The default value is 6, this means 0.6 seconds.
Preparation Time Offset The cards for the test list are evaluated daily at mid-night (12:00 a.m.). This option allows you to shift this time to earlier or later. Default is 0 hours offset.
Reset Application This is an application-specific reset switch to reset the application state if necessary. The content of the databases survives this action.