karatasi Desktop Overview
karatasi Desktop is a Java application to transmit database files to the iPhone.
It supports reading of databases in Palm SuperMemo format and of csv-formatted files.
Besides this, you can use it to backup your databases.
Sync Server
- Start / Stop: use this switch to activate the server for the communication with the iPhone
- Server Off / Server Idle / Server Connected: indicates the current state of the server
The control of the transmission such as selection of the databases, selection of transmission direction, start of transmission,
is done at the iPhone.
List of karatasi databases. Each database is shown with the date of its latest modification and the number of cards.
The context menu provides additional functions.
A blue square indicates a database in use. A blue triangle indicates that the database is displayed in a working panel.
Logging area for error messages and events.
This is very useful, especially when you setup and configure the server.
- Hide: Hide the logging window. Enable it again in the Settings dialogue.
- Clear: Clear the logging entries.
- INFO: Select the granularity of the messages.
- List: List a table with the contents of the database.
- Delete: Delete the selected databases from the karatasi working directory.
- Read: Read a database and import it into the karatasi working directory.
Supported formats are karatasi databases (*.kdb), Palm SuperMemo databases (*.pdb) and csv-formatted files.
- Insert: Insert additional records from a csv-formatted file into the selected database.
- Write: Write the selected databases to another directory.
Supported formats are karatasi databases (*.kdb) and csv-formatted files.
- Check: Check the selected databases for consistency.
- Statistic: Plot statistical data.
- Rename: Rename a database (only in the context menu).
- Settings: Details see below.
- Quit: Quit the application.
You find the Settings dialogue in the File menu.
- Network settings: Configure an available network port for the data transmission to the iPhone.
Configure this same port in the application preferences at the iPhone.
- Pathes: The working directory for karatasi Desktop.
Never tamper directly with the files in this directory. Always use the functions in the File menu to copy or delete the databases in this working directory.
- Authorized Device: Setup name and password in accordeance with the application preferences at the iPhone.
- Log: Configure whether you want to see logging entries in the logging window.
- I/O File Encoding: Character encoding for import of Palm databases and of csv-encoded files.
- At the iPhone application preferences select the protocol 'karatasi Java' and setup
host, IP port, user name and password.
- About: Informations about version, copyright, licences, and authors.
How to ...
... transmit databases between PC and iPhone
- In the Settings menu of the Java application, configure the IP port, name of device and password.
- In the application-specific settings at the iPhone, configure the protocol type Java, the host name (or IP address), IP port, name of device and password.
- In Java press the Start button.
- At the iPhone select the databases in the synch screen, then press the transmit icon.
... import SuperMemo Palm databases
Configure the character encoding in the settings, then use the menu Read to select the database.
... create a database from csv-formatted data
Configure the character encoding in the settings, then use the menu Read to select the csv-formatted file.
... append csv-formatted data to a database
Configure the character encoding in the settings, select the database, then use the menu Insert to select the csv-formatted file.