A card consists of 6 data fields. For every single category you may configure a style sheet. It defines which data fields appear in the question and which in the answer, and which is the data field that determines the sorting order of the cards in this category.
Recommended Work Flow
We recommend the following work flow with
- daily procedure:
- perform daily test
- drill cards
- optional:
- create more cards
- commit additional cards to the learning procedure
- learn the committed cards
The number of committed cards should be restricted to an amount which allows you to master your daily test and your daily drill well.
Getting Started
You can use the database wizard to create a database and then the data wizard to enter the information.
Or perform the following steps on the very first start of
- create a database
- create one or several categories for this database
- create cards
- commit cards
Step by Step
Create new database
- on database list screen tap the edit button
- tap +
- enter the name of the new database
- tap back arrow
- tap done
Create categories
- tap on database name and see the category list screen
- tap the edit button
- tap +
- enter category name
- tap back arrow
- enter additional categories if you want
- tap done
Add card
- tap on category name
- tap + and see the card details screen
- tap on question field
- enter question
- tap done
- tap on answer field
- enter answer
- tap done
- tap on the empty square to commit the card
- to create further cards tap on + and repeat as above
- tap back arrow
- tap back arrow
- tap back arrow, now you are in the database list again
Exercise (drill) cards
- tap on the drill button on the very right of the database name
- read question and remember answer
- tap "show answer"
- if your answer was right tap "known" else tap "failed"
- repeat until you did remember all answers, or tap "done" to interrupt the drill.
Test cards
You have to wait until the next day to get cards in test!
- tap on the test button just right of the database name
- read question and remember answer
- tap "show answer"
- tap one of the buttons depending how well you did know the answer, "+" to "+++" stands for known, "-" to "---" stands for not known
- repeat until you did test all cards, or tap "done" to interrupt the test.
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